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Ghost Towns, Chloride, Arizona

Chloride Historic Mining Ghost Town
Chloride is a living mining ghost town with retired residents that keep the little town alive.

Sometime during the 1840's, prospectors canvassing the area stumbled upon numerous veins rich in silver surrounding the area that would someday become Chloride. The silver was found primarily at a site known as Silver Hill. But silver wasn't all they eventually found. Gold, lead, zinc, and turquoise were abundant in "them thar hills.". Chloride was founded about 1863, but turmoil with the Hualapai Indians slowed mining considerably. In 1870, a signed treaty with the Hualapais cleared the way for extensive mining of the area. The railway from Kingman, called the Arizona and Utah Railway, was inaugurated on August 16, 1899 - the last silver spike was driven by Miss May Krider. The town eventually grew to a peak of around 5,000 inhabitants, and at one time Chloride was the county seat. By 1917 the population had fallen to 2,000, and by 1944 it was nearly a ghost town.

GPS Directions
Location Data
Date: 12.02.2011
Temp: 54°
Elevation: 4,022 ft
DD (decimal degrees)*
Latitude: 35.41442
Longitude: -114.19938


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