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Caves, South Mountain Park, Arizona

Max Delta Mine Caves
We explored these mining ruins and found one cave that was still open. The entrance was approximately 2.5-3 feet high and opened up to maybe 4 feet high about 20 yards inside. The ouside temperatueThe cave traveled as far as the light could penetrate the darkness. There were 2 more small openings just up the hill that could have been emploaded at one time.

A former surface and underground Au-Ag-Cu mine located about 9 miles South of the railroad at Phoenix in the northern portion of South Mountain on state park land. Discovered 1895 and produced 1913-1942. Owned by T.C. McReynolds, Jr.; and, the Ace Mining & Development Co. Workings include a 500 foot deep shaft & extensive drifts (about 2,500 feet of tunnels & some stopes). Produced 1,600 tons of ore from 1933-1934.

GPS Directions
Location Data
Date: 08.13.2011
Temp: 112°
Elevation: 2,323 ft

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