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Caves, Two Guns, Arizona

Apache Death Cave
The Two Guns Apache Death Cave is a creepy place due the history and what lurks beneath the ground. I myself do enjoy the occasional cave exploration, but this location gives me the chills. Due to my height (6'7") and not having the proper tools when exploring the Two Guns Ruins I decided not to enter the cave.

Two Guns is also the legendary site of the massacre of Apaches by Navajos, in the so-called Death Cave in the summer of 1878, according to "Route 66 Chronicles, Volume 1," by Gerald M. Knowles (2002). Word of mouth accounts have it that Apache raiders came into the Navajo homelands and met their death. When Navajo warriors tried to track the Apaches, they lost their trail. A small party of searchers checked out Diablo Canyon. They were surprised to hear voices coming from inside the ground and to smell smoke from cooking fires. The Apaches had hidden in caves so large they had led their ponies inside.

Finally they found them in the cave, but they couldn't get to them with arrows. They built a big fire on the entry and the chimney effect pulled smoke in and the Apache suffocated." Navajo believe that the Two Guns area is possessed by Chindiis, the Navajo term for "ghosts of the dead," according to the Knowles chronicle. They avoid the site and urge others to do the same.

GPS Directions
Location Data
Date: 07.01.2012
Temp: 108°
Elevation: 4854 ft
Latitude: 35.115306
Longitude: -111.093961



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