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Ghost Towns, Tombstone, Arizona

Tombstone Courthouse State Historic Park
The two-story building, constructed in 1882 in the Victorian style, is laid out in the shape of a cross and once contained various county offices, including those of the sheriff, recorder, treasurer, and the Board of Supervisors as well as courtrooms and a jail. Inside, the courthouse contains a museum with numerous artifacts from the town’s history while outside, a replica gallows has been constructed in the courtyard to mark the spot where seven men were hanged for various crimes. The park was one of the first to be designated as a state park and in 1959 was the first to open following the 1957 establishment of the Arizona State Parks Board.

GPS Directions
Location Data
Date: 11.05.2011
Temp: 65°
Elevation: 4540 ft
Address: 223 Toughnut St.,
Tombstone, AZ 85638
(520) 457-3311
Latitude: 31.712374
Longitude: -110.06883


Historic Photography:
[Library of Congress 8b25111]

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